Slow down and draw breath

Once the frenzy of Christmas is over and done with it’s all too easy to get sucked into getting those New Year’s Resolutions underway, bam, bam, bam, no let up, gotta keep going, on to the next thing…

NO.      STOP.

Give yourself a break. Literally.

There’s no rush.

I invite you to join me from the comfort of your own sofa, in your pyjamas if you like, for a Virtual Retreat to take stock, recalibrate and look forward to the year ahead.

Time to rest and recharge after the festive season

Time to pause and reflect

Time to make yourself a priority, not an afterthought

Time to gently dream and plan for the coming year


Ever wondered why New Year’s Resolutions don’t work? 

Because they always feel like “shoulds” instead of “wants“. 

So it’s not surprising they’re hard to stick to, especially when you’re running on empty after a hectic few weeks and trying to muster up some enthusiasm to get back into the normal routine.

This January Virtual Retreat approaches things differently.

How would you like to feel nourished and ready to create a year that feels good?

How would it feel to have plans that call you eagerly forward rather than trying to get motivated to do things because you think you should? 

Mmmm… nice, huh?

Instead of hurling yourself headlong into 2020 we’re going to go gently.

My intention is for this to be relaxed and for you to be able to fit it in comfortably, however that works for you.


Here’s how the January Virtual Retreat will work:

You will receive a downloadable journal full of prompts to help you think everything through with space to write down what comes up.

We will gather in a pop-up Facebook group which will be open from Friday 10th January 2020 until Friday 14 February where I will be broadcasting live videos to guide you through the journal. If you can’t join me live the replays will be available for you to watch at your convenience.

Session 1: 8pm GMT Tuesday 14 January

Session 2: 8pm GMT Thursday 16 January

Session 3: 8pm GMT Saturday 18 January

Session 4: 8pm GMT Wednesday 22 January

The group will be a safe space where I will answer any questions you may have, where we can come together as a community that understands the importance of looking after ourselves and each other. 

Join the January Virtual Retreat for just £29  

During our time together you’ll take some time to reflect on 2019 and acknowledge the lessons it gave you before letting it go, so you can turn your attention to the future with a clear head.

You’ll consider how you can put yourself first a little more often (without feeling guilty about it) so you can keep your batteries charged and your spirits up.

You’ll dream about how you’d like the coming year to look and how you want to feel, whether that’s just making a few small changes or going for a complete overhaul… whatever feels good to you.

Then you’ll put together some workable plans so you know what you need to do to breathe life into those dreams (instead of leaving them locked up in your journal waiting to remind you this time next year of what you wanted to achieve, but didn’t… ah yes, I’ve been there many times, soooo demoralising).

I know it might seem counter-productive to hold back instead of shooting out of the starting blocks, but taking time to pause, think and look after yourself is time well spent. It’s time to connect with possibility. Getting clear on what you really want means you can create a year that feeds your soul and make realistic plans you can follow through.

The whole point of this Virtual Retreat is to set you up for an amazing 2020 in a no-pressure, holistic way. It can feel overwhelming to have a whole year stretching ahead of you when you don’t know where to start to make it turn out like you hope.

But in the Virtual Retreat you’ll have a guide and a process to help you break it all down into small steps, so it all becomes possible and you can disperse the overwhelm.

Planning to do things because you think you should just feels heavy, right? Your motivation will disappear and leave you to it and after a month or so you’ll be right back where you started. That’s precisely why taking the time to get clear on what you really want FIRST is time well spent.

When you plan the right things for you it’s EXCITING, you can’t wait to get going, and, crucially, you’ll maintain your momentum and motivation because you’re heading in a direction that feels good.

This isn’t just any old new year. This is the start of a new decade.

Begin it with the January Virtual Retreat and start as you mean to go on… heading in the right direction and looking after yourself so you feel energised and excited to make the year you hope for HAPPEN. 

YES! I want 2020 to be my year!

Click Buy Now to sign up for the January Virtual Retreat

and pay £29 with PayPal or a Credit / Debit Card

Got questions? Ask away here

Just signing up for the January Virtual Retreat won’t guarantee that 2020 will be amazing for you. What I can guarantee is that you will significantly increase your chances of having a great year if you are committed to doing the journal work and taking the actions that this will inspire you to take.

Copyright © Mel Morris Jones 2023

Unit 40607   PO Box 15113   Birmingham   B2 2NJ   United Kingdom