If you’ve had enough of feeling like you’re not getting anywhere, maybe it’s time to…

I know you have things that you really want to do.
Me too.
It might be a small project that you just want to get done, so you can tick it off your list and it stops nagging at you.
Maybe it’s a goal that would take a little while to complete but if you could stick to the plan and achieve it you would be so proud of yourself.
Or perhaps it’s a big dream that would fulfil a lifetime ambition and it would be so exciting to make significant progress towards it so that it feels like a real possibility instead of just a dream.
Trouble is, wanting to do something is one thing… but actually doing it is something else entirely, right?
Life’s twists and turns get in the way so that other things take priority.
You make a start but your progress is slow and you don’t feel like you’re getting anywhere. Your enthusiasm wanes, you lose momentum, run out of steam and give up.
Your “thing” is just too big and overwhelming and you have no idea where to start… so you don’t. Who are you to even think that dream could become a reality?
You feel like you should be able to do these things and every day that goes by when you haven’t made any progress just makes you feel more inadequate.
You end up feeling annoyed and disappointed and beat yourself up for your lack of achievement. You compare yourself to others and find yourself coming up short.
Then you look for external factors to blame for why you’re not doing these things…
EVERYBODY else has more time, more money, more support, more luck…
Cue tears of frustration
How do I know this? Because that was me.
I lost count of the number of times Sunday evening rolled around and I’d wonder what the hell I’d done that week… (oh, apart from work, running around after my son, cooking meals, doing housework, food shopping, laundry… but I didn’t give myself credit for any of that…)
I’d get angry at myself for only managing to do my exercise DVD once that week instead of four times as I’d planned.
I felt like my dream of making a decent living out of a coaching business was just completely out of reach because I had no idea what I needed to do first. I often thought I should just give up and get a proper job.
And I was constantly blaming my single mum circumstances and everything that goes with that for not having the time to do what I needed to make the progress I craved.
I was so tired of trying really hard and not getting anywhere.
Tears of frustration?
Buckets of them.
Usually cried over a glass of wine while sobbing,
“It’s just NOT FAIR!!”
But after reaching the end of my tether, I did some soul searching and decided I wasn’t going to stay there.
Here’s why…
You don’t consciously set out to fail… so don’t beat yourself up for it.
Be gentle with yourself.
You have little or no control over external factors.
The only things you can control are your own actions.
The biggest obstacles aren’t on the outside, they’re on the inside.
!! Lightbulb moment !!
Once I explored all these things properly, everything changed.
Those people who make things happen and get what they want? They’re no better than you.
They don’t have more confidence or luck or time, nor do they have fate on their side.
They just know the best way of going about things (and how to get out of their own way when the doubt creeps in).
Sometimes all you need is someone to show you how.
I’d like to be your someone.
When you work with me in a
Make Things Happen 1:1 coaching programme:
I’ll help you demolish the obstacles in your way and uncover the compelling reasons that will inspire you to do what you need to achieve your goals.
I’ll hold your hand when the going gets tough so you’ll be able to keep on making progress even when you feel like giving up.
I’ll help you to believe that what you want is possible and to make a plan to help you get there.
And we will celebrate every little win together along the way.
Have you had enough of feeling like you’re not getting anywhere?
Are you ready to feel the satisfaction of making real progress?
MAKE THINGS HAPPEN comes in 3 sizes, to fit your personal challenge.

If you have something that you’ve been meaning to get done for ages but other things keep pushing it further down your To Do list, or several small goals that you never seem to have time for, then Make Things Happen in 30 Days is for you.
You can get shot of those things that have been nagging at you for weeks.
You can enjoy the increased headspace that comes with getting stuff done.
You can turn your attention to new things without feeling like you have unfinished business hanging around.
You can actually do those things you’ve been promising you’ll do for months.
Here’s what Make Things Happen in 30 Days entails:
Who What Why: Before we begin, I’ll ask you to fill out a get-to-know-you questionnaire, so I can find out a bit about you and what you want help in achieving. Like most things in life, the better your preparation, the better your result!
A Sprinkle of Fairy Dust: I’ll give you an exercise to do that will strengthen your desire to achieve your goals. When you are really connected to what you want to achieve it helps to pull you towards it. This is the little bit of magic that most people miss.
Get Set Go: We’ll get together for a 1 hour video call* to talk about your goals and optimise your mindset to give you the best chance of achieving them. It’s rarely the doing part that people struggle with, it’s the thinking about the doing part that puts the obstacles in the way! A good chat will help you see where your thinking is getting in your way.
Cheerleader check-ins: I’ll send you weekly emails to encourage you and check-in on your progress. The impact of friendly accountability should never be underestimated… if you tell someone you’re going to do something you’re much more likely to do it. This is also an opportunity for me to help you make any adjustments that are needed and to plan your next best steps for the week ahead.
Feel Good Finish Line: We’ll wrap up our time together with another 1 hour video call* to celebrate your achievements (woohoo!) and talk about what you can take from these 30 days that will help you in the future.
* The video calls will be on Zoom, free video conferencing software (and no, I don’t mind if you’re in your pyjamas!)
Getting stuff done is easier than you think. You just need someone who has your back and shows you how to approach it. <Waves! I’m right here!> If you’re committed and open to a bit of mindset work you can cross that Feel Good Finish Line and enjoy the satisfaction of achieving what you set out to do.
So are you ready to get stuff done?
Make Things Happen in 30 Days
YES! I want to get stuff DONE!
Click Buy Now to sign up for Make It Happen in 30 Days
and pay £99 with PayPal or a Credit / Debit Card
Got questions? Ask away here…
Just signing up for MTH30 won’t guarantee you a completed checklist at the end of our 30 days together. What I can guarantee is that you will significantly increase your chances of achieving your goals if you are committed to doing the mindset work and taking the actions that this will inspire you to take.

If you have something you want to do that is going to take some sustained effort rather than a quick burst, maybe you’ve started taking action towards it several times but lost momentum along the way and given up, then Make Things Happen in 60 Days will help to keep you on track.
You can go the distance and feel so proud of yourself when you reach your goal.
You can hold on to your initial focus and enthusiasm and feel pleased with your steady progress.
You can feel in control of your motivation so giving up doesn’t even cross your mind.
You can feel the satisfaction of maintaining your momentum and making it to the finish line.
With Make Things Happen in 60 Days you get everything in MTH30 PLUS:
Momentum Marker 1: After 3 weeks we’ll have another 1 hour video call where we’ll reflect on your progress so far and give your momentum a boost. We’ll resolve any issues and keep you moving forward with enthusiasm.
Momentum Marker 2: After 6 weeks we’ll have another 1 hour video call where we’ll get excited about how far you’ve already come and step up a gear to head for a strong finish. This is where your mindset really comes into play so we’ll look at ways to use your thought processes to strengthen your resolve.
More Cheerleader check-ins: I’ll send you weekly emails throughout the 60 days to encourage you and check-in on your progress. The impact of friendly accountability should never be underestimated… if you tell someone you’re going to do something you’re much more likely to do it. This is also an opportunity for me to help you make any adjustments that are needed and to plan your next best steps for the week ahead.
Sticking to a plan and seeing it through has much more to do with how you think than the amount of willpower and tenacity you have. In MTH60 you’ll learn mindset skills that will help you towards your goal rather than hinder your progress so you have all the support you need to cross that Feel Good Finish Line in a blaze of glory. You’ve got this.
So are you ready to see it through to the end?
Make Things Happen in 60 Days
YES! I want to see it through to the END!
Click Buy Now to sign up for Make It Happen in 60 Days
and pay £199 with PayPal or a Credit / Debit Card
Got questions? Ask away here…
Just signing up for MTH60 won’t guarantee that you stick to your plan and complete your goal by the end of our 60 days together. What I can guarantee is that you will significantly increase your chances of achieving your goals if you are committed to doing the mindset work and taking the actions that this will inspire you to take.

There is a lot at stake when you have a big goal or dream to go after. Everyone approaches it differently, and stumbles over different things. Make Things Happen in 90 Days will identify the obstacles making progress difficult for you and help you to overcome them.
You can step up and become the sort of person who could achieve that goal.
You can make enough progress towards it to believe that you can make it happen.
You can feel the excitement of turning that dream into a real possibility.
You can feel the exhilaration of taking steps out of your comfort zone and it paying off.
Hell, you can really impress yourself!!
MTH90 is a more bespoke coaching programme than MTH30/60 with the content tailored to where you most need help.
It might be a lack of self-belief that is holding you back and preventing you from taking the actions you need to take.
It might be total overwhelm at all the things you need to do that is stopping you from starting.
It might be that you’re not clear enough on what you’re actually going after that is making it difficult to begin.
Or it might be a heady mixture of all three.
Regardless, Make It Happen in 90 Days will help you go beyond these limitations.
These kind of goals are often on-going and evolve as you make progress with them. MTH90 is not aimed at completing these goals but to show you just how much you can accomplish and what is possible for you.
90 days is a good chunk of time to make significant progress.
That progress might entail you getting out there, taking actions and getting physical results, or it might involve serious mental shifts and upgrading your thoughts and beliefs. Usually, it’s a combination of both – they tend to work in tandem.
Here’s how Make Things Happen in 90 Days works:
Who What Why: Before we begin, I’ll ask you to fill out a get-to-know-you questionnaire, so I can find out a bit about you, what you’re going after, why it means so much to you and what’s stopping you. The more I know about you the more effective my coaching will be. Like most things in life, the better your preparation, the better your result!
Kick-off Call: On our first 1 hour video call* we’ll have a good chat about what you’re hoping to get out of our 90 days together and where you’re struggling. We’ll figure out what you need to work on for the first couple of weeks and set you on your way.
The Toolbox: Exercises, techniques and skills that make up my arsenal of personal development tools. Depending on what you’re finding tricky we’ll delve into The Toolbox as many times as we need to in order to create shifts in your thought patterns and belief systems. Those stumbling blocks better watch out.
6 x Nurture Calls: MTH90 has more emphasis on helping you to grow into the person you need to be to make the progress you crave towards your big goal or dream. So every 2 weeks we’ll have a 1 hour video call to go through how things are going, review your homework from The Toolbox and map out the next part of your journey.
Cheerleader check-ins: I’ll email you each week throughout the 90 days to encourage you and check-in on your progress – and I’m only an email away if you have any questions, niggles or worries that need ironing out in the meantime. The impact of friendly accountability should never be underestimated… if you tell someone you’re going to do something you’re much more likely to do it.
Look Back and Smile: We’ll wrap up our time together with a final 1 hour video call to celebrate just how far you’ve come and talk about what a difference you can make in 90 days. It’ll be amazing.
* The video calls will be on Zoom, free video conferencing software (and no, I don’t mind if you’re in your pyjamas!)
Things that seem out of reach usually feel that way because of the stories we tell ourselves about them. But with the right guidance you can rewrite those stories any time you like and suddenly, what you thought was out of the question for you, becomes a real possibility. This kind of breakthrough is what MTH90 is all about. Some dreams are fleeting… but the ones that just won’t go away are the ones you need to do something about.
So are you ready for a breakthrough?
Make Things Happen in 90 Days
YES! I want to experience a BREAKTHROUGH!
Click Buy Now to sign up for Make It Happen in 90 Days
and pay £600 with PayPal or a Credit / Debit Card
Need more information? Get your questions answered here…
Just signing up for MTH90 won’t guarantee you a breakthrough by the end of our 90 days together. As with all coaching, the results you get depend on the effort you put in. What I can guarantee is that you will significantly increase your chances of experiencing a breakthrough if you are committed to doing the mindset work and taking the actions that this will inspire you to take.
It is my mission to help people feel more fulfilled.
The satisfaction of achievement is an important element of that fulfilment.
I hope to welcome you to Make Things Happen very soon.
If you have any questions about any of the MTH packages, content or payment, please do reach out to me here.
(And in case you’re wondering, I have no intention of giving you the hard sell if you do contact me… that kind of thing makes me want to run a mile! x)

Copyright © Mel Morris Jones 2025
Unit 40607 PO Box 15113 Birmingham B2 2NJ United Kingdom