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What gets your attention?

What gets your attention?

What gets your attention? What gets your attention? In this mad world of ours we are continually being bombarded by stimuli for our senses but how do you decide what gets your attention? Particularly on social media, our feeds are a constant stream of “LOOK AT...
Learning to be happy

Learning to be happy

Learning to be happy Life is full of learning opportunities. Some we actively seek out, some that just fall in our lap and beg to be taken advantage of. Some are those we want to learn, while some are those we really need to learn so we can move forward. Whether you...
What’s your story?

What’s your story?

What’s your story? What’s your story? The stories we tell ourselves about why we can or can’t do something or have something have a huge impact on our lives. There’s a quote from Henry Ford that really appeals to me: “If you think you can do a thing, or...
What are you settling for?

What are you settling for?

What are you settling for? What are you settling for?  Do you know what I mean? Those things that you put up with because, well, to do something about them would take too much effort. You worry that even though there are plenty of things you don’t like about the...